India's Dwindling Forests
There has been a continuous allocation of forestland, in the Hasdeo Arand forest stretch, in Chhattisgarh, spanning 170,000 hectares, by the local government.
Dubbed as India’s most pristine and densest forest area, it is been made accessible for open cast coal mining purposes. This plan has again raised
concerns about the future of the country’s ecology.
There has been a 55 per cent increase in forestland diversion between 2001 to 2008. This is indeed alarming. According to
Committee of Land Reforms and State Agrarian Relations (CLSR), the total forestland,
diverted for non-forest use, in Chhattisgarh, between 1987 to 2003, has been
1.71 lakh hectares, out of which 67 per cent has been used for mining purposes.
This committee was formed in 2008, by
Government of India, which drafted its official report in 2009. It had raised
concerns about India’s dwindling forest area, as a whole, and not only in
Chhattisgarh. Going by the statistics, the most land diversion in the country has taken place in Madhya Pradesh, followed by Chhattisgarh and
It has been a decade, since then, but there has
been no meeting convened by Prime Ministerial Office, regarding this matter,
neither has the National Council for Land Reforms, met even once. To make
matters worse, in February 2019, the apex court, has ordered forced eviction of
more than 1,000,000 tribals, and other forest-dwelling households, in sixteen
Indian states, after a case filed by wildlife groups, questioning the validity of
the Forest Rights Act. As per the research done, by C.R Bijoy, the last eviction of
tribals took place between 2002-2004, triggered by a Supreme Court Order, that
had resulted in violence, deaths and protests, in affected Central Indian states, where tribal dwellers lived in forest areas.
Interestingly, during 2009, Hasdeo Arand forest
area, in Chhattisgarh, was declared a ‘no go zone’, for mining, based on a joint study
conducted, by the Ministry of Coal and Ministry of Environment, Forests and
Climate Change (MoEFCC). Its inaccessibility had greatly irked the mining entrepreneurs. As
the land is now being exploited for mining purposes, it may be the biggest forest
diversion in India, in recent times, triggering an ecological disaster.
The corporate lobbying for setting up businesses,
in the area, has only escalated. As per Chhattisgarh’s Ministry for
Environment, Climate Change, and Forests, between 2000 to 2015, a total of 518
mining projects had been received, including coal and iron ore mining, out of
which, 413 were approved, and 40 were rejected.
The hills, that form the Rowghat range, in
Chhattisgarh, are believed to have the second highest deposits of iron ore in India. It is established that the local government has expressed interest
to exploit this area, since three decades. But, it was only in 2014, when
construction of support infrastructure, including railway tracks to carry iron
ore took place. There was also a process of land acquisition for housing,
schools, hospitals for prospective labour. As this plan would require large-scale
deforestation, around 2,030 hectares of forestland would get destroyed.
Chhattisgarh has done little to
protect the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers, because the state has turned a blind eye, toward Forest Rights Act, passed in 2006, which
recognises that the locals have rights over their land, they have been
occupying, and they have the rights to use forest resources.
In the recent past, non-governmental
organisations such as Disha and Janabhivyakti have taken the task, of helping
the villagers, for rights awareness, where they managed to file Community
Forest Rights documents, in 20 out of 104 villages, of the Antagard district.
However, many tribals, living in the villages of the Rowghat region, such as
Gonds, dependent on forest produce and agriculture, will be evicted without any
discussions on rehabilitation, or resettlement. They have been given monetary
compensation of 30,000 per acre, despite the fact, the villagers believe that
their land is worth three times more. They also believe that the dalaals, or middlemen have cheated them.
These practices signify the desperation of the state, by dodging legislation,
and taking matters into their own hands, gaging democratic values, for specific
In between December
2014, and March 2015, a total of 18 villages, unanimously passed gram sabha resolutions, strongly
opposing coal mining in Hasdeo Arand. In February 2019, 150 gram sabhas came together, in Morga
village, to protest the FAC clearance, as per a press release, from the HABSS.
According to an article written in Scroll by
Raksha Kumar: “In July 2015, Washington-based think tank
Rights and Resources Initiative released a study that found forest rights (both
individual and community) have been granted in just 1.2% of the total area that
should be recorded and recognised. The Tribal Affairs Ministry’s 2015 status
report meanwhile says the total area reported to be recognised under Community
Forest Rights is only 73,000 hectares, which is less than one-five-hundredth of
the CFR potential in the country.”
In January 2019,
Stage I clearance was awarded, for mining at the Parsa coal block, located in
northern Chhattisgarh, by the ministry of environment, forests and climate
change. At present, there are two
operational mines in the Hasdeo Arand area: Chotia and Parsa East and Kete
Basen (PEKB). The approval for Chotia came in 2011, but it was soon reallocated
to Bharat Aluminum Company Limited, in 2015. The approval for Kete Basen came
into foray, after a negotiated agreement, between Forest Advisory Committee
(FAC), and then Minister, Jairam Ramesh. Both of these mines were given
clearances for capacity enhancement, in April 2018. The minister had given his
approval, based on the reason, that they were located on the outer fringe of
the Hasdeo Arand area, and not in biodiversity-rich Hasdeo Arand. With the
result, in places such as Parsa East and Kete Basen, the farmlands belonging to
villagers were stripped bare, reflecting illegal practices.
Parts of Hasdeo Arand, rich in sal forests,
rare plants, wildlife species, form an elephant corridor, and the region has
recorded human-elephant conflicts, involving property damage and deaths, lately.
To defend its agenda, the state has refused to recognise the migratory route of
this large mammal. The state, conversely, have called their movements as ‘stray
movements’. Initially, the area had been proposed for an elephant reserve, but
this initiative was never been developed by the state government. Moreover,
mass deforestation and mining operations would impact the flow of Hasdeo river,
one of the most important sources of irrigation, in the northern part of
Despite this, several proposals for
environmental and forest clearances have been coming up in Hasdeo Arand. There
are around six coal blocks in Hasdeo Arand, as per inputs published by The
Wire. The region is supposed to have billion metric tones of proven coal
reserves. It reflects gross miscalculations and distrust by the local government.
The Madanpur South Coal Mine has been issued a Terms of Reference (ToR), on the
basis of Environment Impact Assessment Report. Very recently, Paturiya Gidmuri
OCM has put forward an application for a forest clearance, in July 2018, and it has
been considered, by the EAC, for the grant of ToR, in September 2018. The Kete
Extension coal block also has been given an approval to commence prospective, for coal.
As of now, there are two cases pending in the
Indian Supreme Court regarding Hasdeo Arand - a petition by Chhattisgarh-based
lawyer Sudiep Shrivastava has been drafted, seeking de-allocation of RVUNL’s
Parsa-Kente Extension coal block (adjoining Parsa open cast mine) in
Chhattisgarh, and cancellation of the joint venture, and coal delivery
agreement with Adani Enterprises Limited. The other petition is filed by RVUNL,
seeking a relaxation of the National Green Tribunal’s direction, restricting
mining in certain forest areas of Chhattisgarh.
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